Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As we're impersonating the Midwestern Monsoon Capital here, "tropic" seems an appropriate theme.  Now that the temps have risen after the latest round of storms, it does almost seem like a tropical rain forest if you're in any kind of wooded area here.  After last year's drought, we need the rain, but enough already.  It's hard on those of us with mood disorders to go for extended periods without actually seeing the sun.  And while I'm not going to get all DFW* and add a footnote with cites,** there is some science supporting this phenomenon. In case you suspected I'm just making it up.

* David Foster Wallace, a great talent with a passion for footnotes. Sadly gone too soon.

** Which is not to say I won't ever offer cites, in note form, just that I'm not going to hunt down cites for this specific observation.  I am also likely to provide many notes so as to avoid being tangential in the body of a post.  I lack DFW's talent, but share his fondness for tangents and notes, as well as a mood disorder. 

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